On August 2nd, 2022, our community is excited to have Mr. Jonathan - the CEO of Archloot & Mr. Dirk - the CMO of Archloot join our Discord AMA to give information about the key features and roadmap of Archloot and share their valuable insights. In case you missed this AMA, we have you covered.
?FIRST SEGMENT: Fireside Chat?
J: Jonathan
D: Dirk
I: Ivy
I: Hello @everyone!! Thank you for taking the time to join us for the AMA with Archloot! ? ? This is Ivy and I'll be hosting today's AMA with @Ironia, CEO of ArchLoot & @dirkAKAfatninja CMO of ArchLoot.
J: Glad to be here, thanks for hosting us!
D: Hello guys.
My pleasure to be here.
I: Great to have you two here with us today!! Are you ready to answer some questions regarding ArchLoot?
J: We're ready
D: let's get it
I: Q1: Can you give us a self-introduction of yourself and the project?
J: Hi, I'm Jonathan, the CEO of ArchLoot, I am from Belgium, and have been a member of the game industry for a long time. I worked in game studios such as TapTap, Mars Game, Yostar, Aoshitang and on projects such as Ragnarok online, Ulala Idle Adventure, Arknights, Tour of Neverland, Azur Lane and several more.
D: Once again, thank you for having me here. Hi, everyone! I'm Dirk, CMO of ArchLoot. I can also share my page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dirk-yuan-4017a0a5/ I was from the traditional finance industry. Directed one of the first fully-compliant crypto hedge funds in Asia, and co-founded an FoF. I am super excited to enter Gamefi space and join such a promising project in ArchLoot.
J: ArchLoot is an NFT-based UGC game built on BNB Chain, we can also say it's an RPG game based on user-generated content, and for this reason, we want to place our users at the center of the project. Too many game companies have forgotten that they are making games because they liked games in the first place and you can feel it. We are creating the project for the user base, we want ArchLoot to be a fair and balanced project for all users.
I: Great! ✨
Thanks for the introduction! Now let's move to the second question
Q2: How do you differentiate ArchLoot from other Gamefi projects? In what ways do they plan to outperform the gamefi competition?
D: The first difference would be our technology and UGC elements. As explained, ArchLoot provides the first interactive gameplay in the industry. What we mean is that in ArchLoot, the player is able to interact or play with his/her NFT. Our game fully enables on-chain implementation of upgradeable characters/props NFTs.
UGC elements in ArchLoot come from user-designed avatars, and user-oriented community strategy and also come about from mainstream media outlets facilitating amateurs to publish content. Our technology ensures that all these parts are highly editable and renderable anytime.
We'd like to breeze some fresh air into the industry, by enabling the gamers to achieve what they want in the way they feel good.
J: Web3 gaming is a space where everyone should be a winner. I do hope we achieve levels like Axie infinity, and in every spectrum of our project vision & design, I even hope more that with joint efforts of GameFi, we can make play-to-earn a better play-and-earn place.
You guys can see our work in this game preview that we released before the first CBT, progress has been made since: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W8LRSArALI
I: Nice teamwork! So
Q3: Who are the core members developing ArchLoot? What is your experience with the gaming industry?
J: As for me, I worked for years serving game publishers and game studios as mentioned in my little self-introduction. The team comes from different horizons. Our COO Gavin has been a c-level member and consultant in blockchain projects. https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavinnation/ Our advisor Duke co-founded one of the first platforms, allowing traditional games to take a leap into web3 games. It was a huge success in 2017 as they made $10 Million.
D: Our members have accumulated much blockchain gaming publishing experience during 2017-2019. In fact, we are one of the first that introduce fungible tokens into traditional games. We released an experimental game, mir1 on the iost chain, and made many enhancements based on community opinions. It was a good practice, which paved our way.
I: You guys have been working in this industry from an early stage! So now Q4: Do you guys have any partners?
J: We definitely do.
For starters, we have closed 3 rounds of investment raising very shortly and over 10 backers have voiced their support.
The information is fully disclosed on our social media.
Building on an expanding ecosystem, we have also recently announced a series of partnerships, including Fight of the Ages, Karmaverse, and Gamic Guilds.
You can more names of who we've been working with here: https://www.archloot.com/backers
In the future, it is our plan to collaborate with more guilds, games, gamer communities, and web3 infrastructures.
I: That's awesome!
Q5: Could you update some hot news or big events of ArchLoot in the following weeks or months?
J: Wow actually there is quite a bunch to say for that question,
Well August is a big month for us
1. On August 8th, our 2nd wave of ArchLoot mystery box sales will be available on the Binance NFT platform.
This time we are opening 1,000 offerings. 1st wave was immediately sold out on the Binance NFT Platform - within 30s, with a floor price/volume climbing after since.
So if you are interested in the second wave, stay connected and follow us at: https://twitter.com/archlootOS
2. On August 15th, we'll be rolling out the 2nd phase of our closed beta test. We prepared for more than a fun game, but also events & incentives. Last time we gave out thousands of dollars worth of prizes, this time will be even more fun.
Why not play while you enjoy the exclusive early birds' perks?
You can apply here: https://forms.gle/kyrnzXzPPsWJrWCx5
3. We are still busy rolling out new patches for the game, we are currently polishing the iOS version of the game, we have no ETA right now, but it will be ready for the Open Beta, and if no major issues are found during our Closed Beta, we will roll out the Open Beta very soon.
I: Q6: Can you give more details of the Mystery box sales?
D: As said, the 2nd wave of ArchLoot mystery box sales will start on August 8, available only on the Binance NFT platform.
For those who don't know about our first wave, it is my pleasure to share its amazing features:
- They also have chance to enter the CBT II.
- They are either epic or legendary parts (same as blindbox I), which give gaming advantages and stylistic advantages in the game.
- Potentially additional utility in later patches of the game, at the discretion of the team.
For our previous holders, we can say that the prize of 2nd wave is different from the first batch of 200 boxes. It is your time to see how correct your choices were, and a good chance to reap more benefits.
One more thing about the mystery box, it is going to be very different from your normal JPEG style of NFTs.
That's indeed all I can reveal for now.
I: Q7: Why should people invest in your NFTs?
D: That's a really good question.
In fact, the game itself is free-to-play. We will be dropping common parts for players to join the game.
So why should people invest in NFTs?
Fairly speaking, the NFTs are significant in terms of playability and profitability
Avatars in ArchLoot are assembled and designed freely by the gamers with NFT body parts. These parts are divided into four levels according to their rarity — common, rare, epic, and legendary — corresponding to 1, 2, 3, and 4 attributes respectively. Some of these parts also have separate special skills, some look very badass.
However, the most important thing about our NFT, which makes them unique, is our protocol, EIP 4985 and BEP 129.
I'm not going to explain the technology in detail here. However, these two innovated protocols allowed smooth player/NFT interaction as well as interoperability.
Gamers have assets more than a static jpeg, but a 'live' part that its metadata can be changed and protected by a treasury contract.
The mystery boxes you can buy on August 8 on the Binance NFT platform contains exactly 1 epic/legendary NFT body part plus 9 other common ones.
So to sum up the reasons, 1. The NFT technology is like nothing else. 2. The NFT looks badass and have superior attributes. 3. increased playability. 4. collectability value.
I: That was very informative for our community, thanks Dirk! Now here’s the last question from this segment.
Q8: What is your top priority for 2022? Can you and your team members share a bit about the strategy that the ArchLoot will implement in the near future? What makes the team feel confident to win in the long run?
J: Nothing is valued more than the game itself. Our next focus would be the official launch of the game, which involves a series of technical and marketing efforts.
After having success in the key crypto market in Korea, ArchLoot is now seeking opportunities in more areas, such as Japan and SEA. There is simply nothing we could value more than real gamers, and we understand in these countries and regions, GameFi and crypto users are well educated that a high-quality product can stand out.
We just opened a Japanese community group. https://t.me/ArchLootJapan
If anybody wishes to involve himself in another way and help the project to grow, we are happily welcoming applications for Mods and Ambassadors,
Ambassadors application- http://forms.gle/PM45ZytGfL314XDs5
Mod application- http://forms.gle/MDqYmmSyZcyyRBA18
In fact, we are also organizing a Panel with several other projects tomorrow
https://twitter.com/archlootOS/status/1554346976309018624 feel free to drop by
It's our second edition.
D: Yes if you are interested in chatting with us on the future of gamefi, or anything at all. You can all definitely come to the Twitter Space chat tomorrow 12pm UTC.
I: Thanks for the sharing, I think we can now move on to live questions from the community.
Kindly select 5 questions from the thread SafePal x Archloot AMA and answer them!
D: https://discord.com/channels/909067029791776819/1003674088889397280/1003914315461566565
Q1: I remember that the product of the 1st CBT promotion was the iPad. What is the bug bounty or prize for the 2nd CBT? How is the 2nd Binance Blind Box different from the 1st Binance Blind Box NFT? What is the plan for ALT to be listed on the exchange after obt? Discord's 1st carnival event has ended. When will the 2nd and 3rd carnival events be held?
A: I'm going to address the listing plan for our token ALT.
In fact, we are currently negotiating with some renowned centralized exchanges on the listing. The process seems to be quite smooth at the moment.
Success in our next NFT sale and CBT II and OBT will definitely aid as well.
J: https://discord.com/channels/909067029791776819/1003674088889397280/1004000152798900265
Q2: Will we have a home of our own? Can we make our own NFTs in that house or combine existing NFTs to create custom NFTs?
A: If you're talking like Minecraft or any game where you can build a Home or own a home, no, you are not able to own your home per se, but you will have your own 'base'. Currently, it is not possible to create your own NFT buuuuut, it is planned for a future update, what you can do is actually customizing your Character and the part aka NFT. Our customization settings are going very far.
D: https://discord.com/channels/909067029791776819/1003674088889397280/1004000270382018640
Q3: If you look at the pve game of archloot, you will eventually have a problem with the bot. I would like to know if you are prepared for the inflation of assets caused by the bot.
A: This is a question about BOT. Which is really important to the survival of any blockchain game project. So I will try to comment on this.
First of all, we believe that no anti-bot system can prevent all bot. The fundamental solution is to create an economic system that is bot proof. This requires constant monitoring, constant revision, and adjustment to the system.
Fortunately, our team is seasoned enough with numbers and inflations. We have designed the economics for many sustainable games.
Also, being able to develop bot ourselves will certainly help on the anti-bot front.
The game indeed requires some skills and manoeuvre, which is naturally against Botting.
Lastly, we have designed a line for casual players. The rewarding schemes for bots are carefully designed to prevent a major impact on the overall environment.
J: https://discord.com/channels/909067029791776819/1003674088889397280/1003978953054232586
Q4: Archloot can customize its own monsters, but it doesn't seem to have the ability to undo the customized monster options. Is there any function to partially change the monster's options?
A: Well, it is obviously possible to undo your changes. You can change it the way you want and reverse it back before validation, we are currently working on a save where you can save what kind of custom design per parts and apply it to other parts directly to not waste time during the character customization.
D: https://discord.com/channels/909067029791776819/1003674088889397280/1003998577850327192
Q5: So as the name of the project is Archloo, so my question is how the team came up with the name and what are we looting here while interacting or involving in it?
A: Indeed, our name derives from Loot. As our innovated protocols EIP-4985 and BEP-129 is a major upgrade from the Loot protocol, vastly increase the scalability and interoperability of the original LOOT style NFTs.
?Third SEGMENT: Quiz?
I: Thank you so much for answering so many questions and providing so much information!
Now we'll start the final segment!
Archloot has prepared a quiz for the community here.
The community has 5 minutes to answer the quiz. The first 10 participants getting the full score of the quiz will be winners of this section.
Thank you again to the Archloot team representatives, Jonathan and Dirk, for joining us & providing their valuable insights.
It's worth having you today!
J: Thank you very much
D: Thank you for having us. Really enjoy the event with you guys.
I: Find out more about Archloot
Archloot Website: https://www.archloot.com/
Archloot Telegram/Discord link: https://t.me/archloot, discord.gg/archloot Archloot Twitter: https://twitter.com/archlootOS